I cant add much ref availability, but I have for ages been meaning to show some of the differences and in a topic headed cabriolet sills here are some pics I nipped into the garage earlier, phone in hand, popped the grill and
I don't recall the coupes being double skinned here (looking down, passenegr side)
or those plates at the bottom
I then got this one looking forward before proceeding to drop my phone and spend the next 10 mins or so trying to retrieve it [

deciding there was more room on the drivers side (no pipe) I got this one
and this one
which shows you cannot see all the way to the front. I then got an underfloor shot but you cant really make out the normal floor above
The lower floor ends behind the sill trims (car and garage floor both need a good clean!
and finally a side view (paint looks awful in this pic! its not, I think it is reflections from the floor and a small amount of dust) I think the jack point locating diamond is lower than on a coupe
and a reminder that the windscreen rake is different on a cab