What make is that cage in your car ? - looks really good. I have a very basic bolt in Matter cage, which is effectively just a loop with bracing back to the rear seat belt mounts - no diagonals or harness bar. Yours looks a bit more substantial but not too invasive - I'd like something similar.
Thanks Jamie. It's a genuine Matter bolt-in half cage painted in Rubystone Red L82N to match the body. For my own satisfaction I wanted a Matter cage and Schroth harnesses as one time these were the OEM suppliers to Porsche. The cage itself is fully welded so must have been awkward to install. The seats had to come out to enable it to go in, of course, and this was an ideal opportunity to get the captive thread plates welded in and to sort the harness anchor bolts too. The left hand seat is awkward because this is where the ECU sits. I bought the cage from Colin at Ninemeister. I may be wrong but I think it was from a Maritime Blue 964 RS lightweight they were breaking last November that was front-ended. It has the larger diameter steel tubes and the cross bars are perfect for the harnesses. I should be able to find a way of mounting a video camera too on one of the bars.
If you draw a blank sourcing the same: I should be at a number of shows and trackdays this year for you to take a look.
What make is that cage in your car ? - looks really good. I have a very basic bolt in Matter cage, which is effectively just a loop with bracing back to the rear seat belt mounts - no diagonals or harness bar. Yours looks a bit more substantial but not too invasive - I'd like something similar.
Thanks Jamie. It's a genuine Matter bolt-in half cage painted in Rubystone Red L82N to match the body. For my own satisfaction I wanted a Matter cage and Schroth harnesses as one time these were the OEM suppliers to Porsche. The cage itself is fully welded so must have been awkward to install. The seats had to come out to enable it to go in, of course, and this was an ideal opportunity to get the captive thread plates welded in and to sort the harness anchor bolts too. The left hand seat is awkward because this is where the ECU sits. I bought the cage from Colin at Ninemeister. I may be wrong but I think it was from a Maritime Blue 964 RS lightweight they were breaking last November that was front-ended. It has the larger diameter steel tubes and the cross bars are perfect for the harnesses. I should be able to find a way of mounting a video camera too on one of the bars.
If you draw a blank sourcing the same: I should be at a number of shows and trackdays this year for you to take a look.