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Calendar of Events - 2005


Monthly meets:
The monthly meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 8pm. This year we are holding our meetings at two venues alternately, the Jenny Wren is for our northern members and the Bell for our central and southern crowd. You've now no excuse not to come along!
Wednesday April 27th : The Jenny Wren at Susworth Nr Scunthorpe
Wednesday May 25th : The Bell at Far Lane, Coleby - Gavin Scott from Red Line Oil is comming along to talk about lubrication!! Please be prompt forthis on.
Wednesday June 29th : The Jenny Wren at Susworth
Wednesday July 27th : Annual BBQ at The Bell. This is usually a well attended meeting with the rest of the family invited along.

Both pubs have superb cuisine, fine wines and good beer, so come along and get involved. We usually have a raffle each meet and either a quiz or guest speaker. If you'd like to see anything else, please let one of the committee know.

Other Dates for your Diary:

Sunday 15th May:
Steve Hales has organised an outing to Stapleford Park, Near Melton Mowbray. Afternoon tea is approximately £15 per person. There is a limit of 30 people. Please contact me if you would like to attend.


Bell Watson Border Classic - Entries must be in by 30th April. Limited numbers. Only 75 vehicles maximum. Entry fee £12.50 per vehicle. Starting from Brigg Market Place 10am. Entry forms available from Pauline at or telephone: 07771766805

Sunday 12th June: Trip to North Yorkshire Moors Railway followed by lunch at Goathland. It would be good to get a convoy going especially as it would be quite a sight travelling along the Humber Bridge!

Sunday July 3rd :Chatsworth House
We've again been invited to join the East Mids region for their annual concourse at Chatsworth, a nice day out with plenty for all to see....even those not quite so bothered about Porsches. I just hope its going to be warmer than it was last year!

Sunday July 17th: Sporting Bears Charity Classic 2005 at Kimbolton Castle. This is a very good family event, plus lots of cars. Porsche members from various regions attend. Not quite sure the date's correct yet however.

July ??? : Lincs & Humbs Concourse & South African BBQ
Russell Byrne has very kindly invited us all to his place for the day. We thought we'd organise a light hearted concourse along the club street regulations which we could judge between ourselves, apparently he has a nice orchard and we can park the cars amongst the trees! On top of that Russell has offered to put on a South African style BBQ for which we'll charge a small fee. This should be a great day out with all the family welcome....well, bring wife / husband and the kids anyway! More details to follow and we hope to get a date set soon.

Sunday and Monday August 28th - 29th: Brands Hatch Porsche Festival
Either go for the day or the full weekend. It was a great event last year and it should be even better this year. Anyone who fancies a convoy drive down let me know.

Saturday September 3rd : Sleaford Historic Car & Motorcycle Show with Craft Fair. 10.30 - 4.30 This is a well attended event All makes of cars and bikes - Trophies to be won. Please contact me for more details and entry forms. Or you can just go and take in the sights and enjoy the day. It's a nice family day out.

Sunday September 4th: - Shakespeare Run. Meet at the Memorial Park, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. More details to follow.

Events which are being organised, details yet to be finalised are:
A visit to ProMax our new local Porsche specialist who is based in South Scarle.
A Tulip/Photo Rally
East Kirkby - The Aviation Centre and a picnic. This will on a Saturday in August. Date to be advised.
At The Aviation Heritage Centre we will be able to see the Lancaster Bomber "Just Jane" taxi down the runway and see the newly acquired Spitfire. Plus there is so much to see in the museum. There is also a shop and a café full of more memorabilia. Weather permitting (I've read we are in for a long hot summer - we shall see..) we'll have a picnic too!

More details on all the above events will be available soon.

Get involved, enjoy your car, and most of all enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Porsche Club of Great Britain.....the only officially recognised Porsche Club in the UK!!!


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