Having just returned to civilisation, I've been catching up on few forum posts.
On the (somewhat vexed!) question of brake fluid, the correct word is hygroscopic - meaning ability to attract water molecules. Hydroscopic means the ability to see below the surface of water.
In my past life as a surveyor, I often came across walls containing hygroscopic salts, but if they had turned out to be hydroscopic salts, then it was likely to have been a bit too late for a survey.
On the (somewhat vexed!) question of brake fluid, the correct word is hygroscopic - meaning ability to attract water molecules. Hydroscopic means the ability to see below the surface of water.
In my past life as a surveyor, I often came across walls containing hygroscopic salts, but if they had turned out to be hydroscopic salts, then it was likely to have been a bit too late for a survey.