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Club Membership


New member

Firstly, quick intro: I've been reading these forums for a long time and finally took the plunge and bought a 981 Cayman a couple of month ago. I love it. Thanks for all the advice and entertainment along the way. I'm Birmingham based and hope at some point to get involved with the club!

Buying the car gave me the opportunity to join the club - something I'd been looking forward to.

So, on 24th April I paid my membership and have been waiting since to either receive a membership pack in the post, or hear something, anything. On May 29th having not heard anything I wrote an email to I still haven't heard.

I know this isn't the place for this, but having emailed and received no response I'm not sure what other options I have. Please could someone at least give me a timeline for when I should expect to receive something from you?

Thanks and sorry to have to post this here.

Hi Dom,
apologies for any mix up you've experienced.
These things happen occasionally and are often due to errors transcribing from forms to database.

The person you need to contact is Jade, she looks after the membership database and sends out the welcome packs.

Jade 01608 652 911

Whatever happens, come along to club night on the 16th at Bear Inn, Spencer's Lane, Berkswell, CV7 7BB
Gatherings start from 7:30pm and as it'll be dry we'll be kicking tyres in the carpark until dark.
Make sure you're known to Mandy & Kim the RO's and their assistant Dave.
Ok, thanks for that. I'll try Jade.

Thanks for the invite to the 16th - not sure I'll make that one but will try to come some
time soon.
Hi Dom,

Sorry to hear this, you should have received a new membership pack shortly after joining.

I'll speak with Jade first thing Monday and I'll give you a call later that day.

Have a good weekend and speak soon.

Chris Seaward
General Manager
Just a quick update for anyone reading this... all sorted out in the end. Thanks to Chris and David for their help.
Hi Dom,

Welcome to R9, I have added you to the email group so you should have received an email from me over the weekend.

We look forward to seeing you at an event or Club Night soon.

Mandy, Kim & Dave

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