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Club night and events update Cambs and Beds


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

Christmas Club night - 10th December 2014 - Free Drinks!
Come along and join us this Wednesday for the last Club night of 2014. As always we hope to bring you something a little bit different
and December Club night will be no exception. Yes you did read correctly, Free Drinks! Hot ones, tea and coffee will be on offer.
We will also be providing some Birthday cakes for several members who Celebrate at this time of year.

2015 Regional WOTY (Weekend of the Year)
Three nights B&B Gala dinner etc etc in the Lake District. Now, The important bit. The rooms at the Hotel are only held only until the end of 2014. After this date if we do not have sufficient bookings these will be taking back from us. Can I please ask you to read the three attachments and if you wish to join us please pay your the deposit swiftly. Thank you. Any queries please contact either myself or our Tour operator, Scenic Cars Tours.

Events for 2015
January 14th 2015 - Club Night.

Expect January Club night to be a very quite affair. We will not be holding a full blown club night since we hope to see you all at the Sharnbrook Hotel on the 11th January 2015 - (see below) However, your committee will not be missing this opportunity to meet and we will be at the Ferryboat putting the finishing touches to the 2015 events calendar. For those that cannot do without a Club night no doubt the River room will be open for you to meet and have a pie and a pint and an informal chat among yourselves. As ever your ideas are welcome for events that you think may appeal to members and families.

Post Christmas Lunch Sunday 11th January 2015
This really is your last your chance to join the seventy members already booked for our Post Christmas Lunch. This event will be held on Sunday the 11th January 2015 at the Sharnbrook Hotel. A full menu is available both at Club night and via e mail. You can select your lunch from the menu on the day. All the usual favorite appears such as the Traditional Sunday Roast with all the trimmings etc or you may wish on a cold Sunday in January to whisk yourself away to the Italian Riviera and enjoy some of the house specials from the fine Italian kitchen. So unlike previous years this is a la carte dining and for Regional members just £10.00 per head.

Our guest of honour will be Gary Sorrell from PC Cambridge. We have already negotiated a great rate for the lunch and your raffle fund will also be subsidising the cost. The Hotel has requested numbers in advance so In order to secure your seat at the table we require advance payment. We will also be having a raffle and perhaps a speaker or two.

As I pen these my last few words for 2014 I would like to on behalf of the committee wish you all season greetings, we do hope you all enjoy Christmas and wish you all the very best for the coming New Year 2015.

Enjoy your cars and the Club

John Dunn
RO and Committee
Region 24 Cambs and Beds

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