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Club night and Events Update


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

Just a reminder that its Club Night at the Old Ferryboat on Wednesday the 14th November 2012. Along with our normal features NAT (News at Ten) TOM (Tip Of Month) and JON (Joke of Night) will will also be handing out questionnaires and this is your chance to to say what events would like to attend in 2013 and beyond. We will continue with our monthly raffle to raise funds to subsidise events which we can all enjoy. If you have something for the raffle table that will be much appreciated.

Come along and join us at Peterborough Greyhound Stadium have a flutter and boost your Christmas spending fund! Various options for seating/dining are available. I also know that Derek has some vouchers which will get groups into the stadium for a very small entry fee. So come along to club night pick up your vouchers and join us for a something a little bit different. Further details of the venue can be found at

We are delighted to announce good news from the H4H Recover Centre Colchester. The PRC are now in receipt of the Table and Pen stand. I hope at Club night we can bring you news for our Club visit to the Centre for the official handover of the table and associated items.

Our venue for Post Christmas Lunch is The Swan Hotel at Bedford. For those that have not attended this event before this is a lovely Hotel in the heart of Bedford serving excellent food. We also have our own private bar/dining room overlooking the river. Cost is £19.00 for three course lunch and coffee. If you would like to join us but cannot make Club night e mail for a copy of the menu. The Hotel requires advance numbers and payment in order to cater for us. If you have booked but yet to pay please bring you payments to Club night, either cheque or cash will ensure you place at the dining table.

John Dunn
Region 24 Cambs and Beds

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