You'll be pleased to learn your long-suffering Admin Team have been beavering away getting to grips with the Club's new website and we've now got some content into our 997 Register Section.
There's a list of upcoming events, a news item and some of our members' cars from photographs that have been sent through. There's been a lot of help from 997 Register member Paul Barlow to get us up and running, so a grateful thanks to Paul for that. []
All you need to do to see the results of our labours, is to click on the Regions/Registers, then Registers - Modern - 997 and you're there! []
Now we've started to use the system, we will be adding more content periodically and you can help us by submitting some of your stuff to us for consideration.
We would particularly like to get a lot more photos of members' cars, so send them in, pref. in JPEG format and we'll put them into our gallery.
PS. Let us know what you think, too. []
Clive and Alan