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Clutch problem


New member
You'd think it would be a hydraulic issue but I have seen that happen with a sticky release bearing too. Has the clutch been changed?
I'm having a bit of an issue with my clutch, the pedal sometimes sticks on its way back up, but can be freed using my foot.
The reservoir is full, and I have bled the system (dirty fluid came out), there is no sign of a leak at either the master or slave cylinder. I have heard that the flexible hose can start to collapse or that one of the cylinders can suck in air, where should I start?
I've just had a new clutch in mine and the bearings had created little indents on the shaft for the release fork. I suppose if this was left, it could eventually stop the clutch pedal from returning.
HI I would replace the pedal bearings and the pivot fork on the end of the master cylinder as well as the two cylinders, if the fluid was that dirty it would point to the seals breaking up with age and possibly corrosion in the slave cylinder. the hose is easy to inspect, if its starting to balloon and split replace that ASAP because if it lets go it dumps flamable brake fluid on the hot exhaust manifold. not a good thing to happen. if you replace the master cylinder set the rod length from the bolt face to the pivot pin at 112mm (workshop manual setting is 109mm) to take into account the firewall thickness before you install the cylinder, also check what colour your helper spring is they were changed from green to blue at some point as a recall. when bleeding out the system its a real pain you need to get the ass end of the car as high as possible as air gets trapped in the slave, the other option is a pressure bleeder that helps to force the air through.
The clutch, to my knowledge, hasn't been replaced recently. When I bled the system the arse was higher than the front. The hose doesn't look like it has ballooned and it definitely isn't split. From what you've written it sounds like it's best to employ a "replace everything" attitude, best get buying methinks. Thanks Tom
I rebuilt all mine with seals from other makes, worked well as I'm a skin flint, replacing the whole lot will be an expensive 5 mins hose Ă‚ÂŁ85.00 Slave Ă‚ÂŁ90 Master Ă‚ÂŁ170
not bad at all the bearing for the pedal and the end if its worn 999 924 002 40 Ă‚ÂŁ1.50 plain bearing 478 721 179 Ă‚ÂŁ5.17 Intermediate Piece and if you need it the spring 928 423 357 04 Ă‚ÂŁ22.00 image 702-05 in PET
The steel support for the clutch pedal assist spring can collapse and distort the spring mechanism making the clutch operation "heavy". I suggest checking it. It is inside the car just above the clutch pedal. My car had this problem when I bought it and I fixed it by making a spacer to realign the mechanism. Don
Don Thanks for that info, I don't think that's the problem with mine as the clutch isn't particularly stiff. I'm waiting for a few bits to turn up from Porsche, then I will start the work and post my findings and maybe a "how to..." at a later date. Tom
I ended up replacing the bushes on the clutch pedal, the master cylinder, the flexible hose and bleeding the system. I tried to replace the slave, but couldn't manage that (What size is the the nut on the copper line going to the slave? 11mm was too small, 12mm was too big...), so if that needs replacing I'll let someone else that pleasure.

I now have a new problem, the warning light for ABS has come on...

See if this helps any


the nut started off at 11mm you need a good quality flare spanner like


Normal 11mm open ended won't quite cut it

do a search for ABS in the 968 forum I posted a huge help and diagnosis for the ABS

first thing I would do is unplug the ABS relay and plug it back in a few times.

this link might work


Thanks for that, I haven't looked at that yet as I believe the problem is with the alternator (there was only 8.5v at the battery terminals whilst the engine was running). I have removed the alternator and sent it for repair, the company took one look at it and said they could repair it. There was a loose wire hanging from the back of the alternator that looked as if it should have been connected.

Alternator refurbished, problem not solved :rolleyes:

I think I'm making progress, it looks like the fault is with the front left ABS sensor; my reasoning behind this is that this is the corner of the car I was working on before the fault presented itself...

Does your speedo still work? It takes its signal from the ABS sensor front nearside. I lost the speedo on the cab (but did not get an ABS warning light on the dash), P9 had to replace both the sensor and the relay. If your speedo is still working, I wonder if the sensor could be at fault!

Problem solved [:D]

It stemmed from when I was trying to replace the clutch slave cylinder; whilst attempting this I shorted out the terminals on the starter motor (this is probably what killed the alternator). I also disconnected some cables from the starter motor to allow a bit more room to work on the slave cylinder, what I failed to do was reconnect them all afterwards - doh!

So, many thanks to all those who helped with solving the problem, and the moral of the story is to disconnect your battery and make sure you reconnect everything.



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