There is a bleed nipple down on the slave cylinder near the starter motor, you will need a basic brake bleed kit ie a jam jar and a length of hose. I do not use one of the fancy self sealing hoses that you can buy.
The reason for not using the self sealing type is that the nipple is very loose in the slave cylinder once it is off of its sealing face and can easily draw air back into the system via the screw threads.
The way I carried out this operation was as follows, place a small ring spanner on the bleed nipple (dont undo at this stage) push a piece of rubber pipe a couple of feet long onto the nipple, place the other end of the pipe into a jam jar which is about 1/4 full of brake fluid. Get some one in the car to push the clutch pedel to the floor and hold it there, now undo the bleed nipple a small amount until the fluid starts to flow down the pipe and into the jar. As the fluid flow slows down which is very quick with a small hydraulic system like this, tighten the nipple back up, now tell the person in the car to let the pedel back up (in your case they might need to flick it back up with their foot) now repeat this operation until you get fluid with no air going into the jam jar. carefully monitor the level in the clutch fluid resevoir and top up as required, if you let this fluid run out you will have air at the top of the system which will take longer to bleed through.
It is important to understand the seqeunce of this operation, we are pressurising the system and letting the pressure and air expel via the bleed nipple, but before we allow the master cylinder to draw more fluid in we block off the nipple by tightening it up. With the self sealing one way bleed pipes that are avaliable this operation is done automatically but you run the risk of air getting back into the system via the loose threads.
WORK SAFELY, use the correct jacks and stands as you will have one person under the car (you) and someone jumping around inside the car.
PS check that you dont have fluid leaking from either the master cylinder, most likely visible by looking up at the pushrod that comes off of the pedel, or fluid around the slave cylinder, correct as required.