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Comfort settings?


PCGB Member
Hello to you all, I recently rejoined the club after a 17year absence. I purchased a turbo s in April and love it to pieces. However... When i turn the ignition off for more than a minute or two, or lock and leave the vehicle, upon my return the comfort settings have returned that I have recorded on the doorkey switch. This is really inconvenient if you just stop off at the find the heating etc.. at a now inappropriate setting. Also if i have actually turned the a/c off, the a/c is always turned on. In addition to this on the "my screen" page, any contact I may have stored there can randomly disappear, taking all stored contacts away. Is this standard to the vehicle or do I have a software problem. The vehicle is going into the dealer I purchased it from...but they are unaware at this point if this is now the standard way the 'comfort' settings etc. now work? Hope to meet some of you guys soon and look forward to any ideas/opinions.
I experienced the exact same thing after I picked up my GTS, it was the end of the summer and the comfort settings were set to 29 degrees centigrade - just what you want when you're getting into the car to enjoy the cold a/c.

There was no obvious way to reset it but if memory serves me correctly you have to roll through the a/c settings pressing the "sync" button next to the temperature controls.
I must admit being the sole driver I use the comfort settings for the seating, mirriors,and seat only via the door buttons
with a slight change in position on button 2, but try below as a fix for all comfort items covered.
How to save comfort settings. Just pressing Set and then #1 or #2 DOES NOT SAVE these comfort settings. #1 or #2 only save your seat, mirrors and steering wheel settings for the key currently in use. All comfort settings (such PCM mode, radio stations, AC or Auto/Start) are only saved by hitting Set and the #3 .
Bob, your Turbo S will have the full memory package which can store various settings, (I'm assuming this is a 991 Gen 1 with PCM version 3)
- Drivers Seat
- Steering Wheel
- Exterior Mirror
- Airconditioning settings
- multi function display
- PCM - Everything that you can change (Units, Radio & Media Volume and Tone Settings, Map display etc. basically everything!!)

As you know there are 3 settings, memory 1 and 2 plus the keys and all of the above can be stored in these memory locations, so with 2 keys that is 4 possible memory storage locations

Given what you described it sounds like the "Auto Memory Function" is enabled, so what happens here is that when you lock the car ALL the current settings of the above items will be saved to the key that you lock the car with and then will be restored when you unlock the car. So if you have unlocked the car and then made changes to the settings these will then be stored as soon as you lock the car and retrieved again when you unlock with the same key. However, if you don't have "Auto Memory" enabled then although you may make changes to these settings as soon as you lock then unlock the car the previous settings that were stored on that key will be retrieved and over ride any changes you made. To change this function you need to go to the Multi Function Display in the instrument cluster and select "Vehicle" > "Settings" > "Locking"> "Auto Memory" and then enable or disable as per your preference.

If you want to keep all your settings the same my recommendation is to disable the Auto Memory function, set up the car as you want then store to to all the memory locations by pressing "Set" followed by 1, 2 and the Key buttons on the door. If you make minor changes or have a different driver you can use one of the memory locations 1 or 2 but your personal settings will always be retrieved when you unlock the car with your key.

Note that the 18 way adaptive seats side bolster settings are not stored.

I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with your car.


Bob, having road your post again it sounds like you have the new gen 2 Turbo S in which case the PCM is different but the principal of what I said still stands. It does seem like you do have Auto Memory disabled but have already stored settings on your key which would explain why the settings change when you return and unlock the car. Based on this if you want things to stay the same, enable Auto Memory, it's in the same place on the multi function display menu as I first described even though you have the newer system. I can confirm that as my Macan has the new PCM as fitted to the 991 Gen 2.

Thanks for your responses. Cameo i feel you should be able to reset the temp by choosing the temp you want, then pressing the set button on the door then the key button on the door.

Adrian mine is a 991.2. What you described is what i expected, and indeed the guy at porsche decsribed exactly the scenario you said, and even quoted how to do it on the Macan. However there is no AUTO MEMORY to tick or untick. There is the comfort settings option which i have ticked and unticked which does not affect the problem i have described. It appears that the sofware for auto memory has not been downloaded onto the car. I will have to see if it is on all 991.2 or if its just my vehicle. Thanks for your input so far guys. Bob
Bob, my Macan GTS has the latest version of the PCM, same as in your 991.2.
First of all I can store to the keys all the settings of the drivers seat, PCM functions such as volume and tone settings for the radio, iPod, Aux etc. units of measurement such as mpg etc and air conditioning settings such as Auto or manual and the temperature settings. The 1 and 2 buttons on each of the doors (also have a set on the passenger door) store only the settings for that seat, the drivers door the third button for manually storing settings to the keys.

On the multi function display in the instrument cluster I can select the option if I want the key that is used to lock the car, to automatically store the current settings as listed above, that setting is found here SETTINGS > LOCKING > in that sub menu I can select Unlock and Lock options for the drivers door only or all doors, Comfort Entry/Exit and Auto Store and it's the latter that you either want to select or disable. If you select to have it enabled then any changes you make to ANY of the PCM, Mirrors or Seat settings will then automatically be stored to the key that you lock the car with so that when you unlock the car those settings will be restored. So, if you have made changes to any of the settings such as AC temperature since first unlocking the car as soon as you lock and unlock the car again after a brief stop those changed settings will be overridden by what you had originally set.

If that menu item is not there then I think there is a problem that the OPC needs to look into.

Incidentally my 991 GTS has the previous generation of PCM but the menu item for Auto Store of settings to the keys works in exactly the same way as my Macan and that menu item is in the same place on the multi function display in the instrument cluster as described above.

I hope that helps.

Thanks Adrian.... Seems a backward step if they have decided to delete the auto store. On the other issue do you have an iPhone or other make. As I've said any contact that I save to my screen can simply disappear for no apparent reason. I think I'm Saving it correctly but even so... They seem to just disappear for no reason, I can't work out any thing I'm doing that affects it. Again I presume it's the same setup on the macan?
BobNokes said:
Thanks for your responses. Cameo i feel you should be able to reset the temp by choosing the temp you want, then pressing the set button on the door then the key button on the door.

Yes, I quite agree and that was the behaviour which I expected and tried numerous times to store via the "set" door button. I found that it recorded all the seat, mirror settings etc but not the temp. Numeroues manual reads eventually led me to scrolling through the options via auto/sync button on the centre console. I think the setting is "auto" and it remembers the last setting i.e. the setting prior to the ignition being switched off.

As I say this is on a 991.1 GTS (with 18 way adjustable seats) so it may well be different on a .2 but I can't believe they'd reduce functionality, especially on a Turbo S! From what you've written it does seem like a software issue.
I'm fairly certain that in my 991 GTS I can manually store temperature as well as all seat, mirror and PCM settings to the key by pressing Set followed by Key on the door switches but that won't work with buttons 1 & 2 they only store seat and mirror settings but I will check next time I use it and post an update.
That is correct Adrian, on my car turbo s with 18 way seats you can only store the full range of comfort
settings on number three switch, key programme .
Number one and two only store the seat and steering angle, but settings will reset to the key programme on
locking and opening.

Thanks Neil I have seen that video, the problem is that in the 991. 1 you can apparently disable the settings which is not available on the 991.2. It is really annoying that in this weather I will turn off the air con, possibly adjust the seats or something, I will stop while my wife just pops into a shop and when I turn the ignition all the settings I have made aalong the trip are cancelled and it reverts to what is on the key. Never experienced anything like it before. Porsche dealer is going to see if they can get the code from Porsche to allow it to behave the same as the macan or 991.1.
Bob, just to confirm now that I have done a side by side comparison, there is no difference between the function of the memory settings on my MY17 Macan GTS with the same PCM as 991.2 and my MY15 911 GTS.
In summary:
Seat, mirror and steering wheel positions can be manually stored to all 3 buttons on the drivers door (Macan passenger seat settings can also be stored on the passenger door buttons) and automatically to the key if that function is selected in the multi-function display in the instrument cluster.

PCM settings can only be stored to the key either manually using the "key" button on the drivers door or automatically as above.

If "Auto Memory" is enabled in the multi function display in the instrument cluster then changes made after unlocking the car to any of the drivers settings (seat, mirror, steering wheel) and PCM will be stored to the key when the car is locked. When the car is next unlocked those changed settings will be retained.

I store a couple of preferred seat, mirror and steering wheel settings to buttons 1 and 2 and if I make any changes including the PCM whilst driving I manually store to the key button so that if I stop and restart the car I've not lost any of those changes; I don't have "Auto Memory" enabled in either my 991 GTS or Macan GTS.

Thank you so much for putting such time into comparing the two cars. What you say confirms what I suspected. My 991.2 simply does not have the option to turn off the autostore. The tricky box and script simply isn't on the screen, I believe it should be under the comfort settings option in the list? I'm away at moment but it's going in straight after I get back, hopefully they can get the appropriate software code and simply update the system? Thanks again. Bob
BobNokes said:
Thank you so much for putting such time into comparing the two cars. What you say confirms what I suspected. My 991.2 simply does not have the option to turn off the autostore. The tricky box and script simply isn't on the screen, I believe it should be under the comfort settings option in the list? I'm away at moment but it's going in straight after I get back, hopefully they can get the appropriate software code and simply update the system? Thanks again. Bob

It should be in the Multi Function Display, select VEHICLE (displays your oil pressure, coolant temperatures etc) press the button on the steering wheel and scroll down to SETTINGS then select LOCKING and it should be there. I borrowed a 718 Boxster for the day which also has the same PCM and it was there. Also check that you have enabled all of the Menu options in the multi function display.
If it's still not there then that definitely sounds like it's not been set up correctly at the factory or the OPC messed it up during the PDI.
That's strange. I had the use of a 718 and I couldn't find it there either. My Porsche Centre couldn't either. I wonder if it's the Porsche Centre that is not loading something correctly? It was under locking that I had searched. Thanks so much for the info and feedback, now all I have to sort is the contacts problem on the my screen??
I have had this problem on my new 991.2 Targa GTS, I read this forum and the instruction manual, where on page 300 it states
vehicle - settings - locking - auto memory but it wasn't there, took the car back to OPC and they say auto memory is not in the system and to remember settings its press set and the key symbol, this works fine and I now have everything set as I want it.
BC, is there a V max setting on these new GTS cars ?.

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