Gents, your advice please.
My S2 has started to very slightly leak coolant from a joint on one of the small coolant hoses that go through the throttle body.
After it's weekly Sunday morning outing, there is currently a leak of 1 or 2 drops of coolant from the joint onto the top of the throttle body soon after the engine is switched off - i.e. during the cool down phase.
Please see these photos:
1st photo - note how the joint between the throttle body metalwork and the coolant hose 'nipple' (as Bruce usefully refers to it in his reply below) isn't flush - there's a 1-2mm gap and this is where the coolant droplets escape from. I assume pressure from inside the throttle body/under this joint has forced the joint apart slightly.
2nd photo - this is the rear of the joint shown in the 1st photo and the coolant droplets escape here from the rear and trickle down onto the top of the throttle body - you can clearly see the dried pink staining of freshly leaked coolant on the throttle body metalwork (middle of this photo).
I'm not so concerned by the very minor loss of fluid but my main concern is this:
Is this leak a precursor to the joint blowing-off? Has anyone experienced such a leak and had this joint blow-off?
Has anyone had such a leak suddenly get a lot worse?
Is the fix for this straightforward as in pull out the hose and apply some kind of suitable epoxy prior to refitting? An internet search on this leaks reveals a couple of US forum posts saying '
pull apart, clean, apply JB Weld'.
Many thanks,