My headlights sometimes dont lift/drop or the motion cuts out part way. On all occasions it only takes the gentlest touch on the gaiter covering the molex connector to prompt it to complete....hence I believe the molex is a tad loose and would like to replace it. I cant find one listed as specifically relating to the 944...anyone know where i'd get one and what specifically to ask for? There are ones for other designated tasks that look superficially right, such as this below(the 4 pin end only) but I can see myself going through a dozen of these all not being quite the right moulding;
My headlights sometimes dont lift/drop or the motion cuts out part way. On all occasions it only takes the gentlest touch on the gaiter covering the molex connector to prompt it to complete....hence I believe the molex is a tad loose and would like to replace it. I cant find one listed as specifically relating to the 944...anyone know where i'd get one and what specifically to ask for? There are ones for other designated tasks that look superficially right, such as this below(the 4 pin end only) but I can see myself going through a dozen of these all not being quite the right moulding;