This event is almost 50% booked.
Where are all the 924's?
Last year you won the Register award it doesn't look like you will repeat it this year.
Booking form on page 65 of the current Porsche Post.
For £30 you get a superb drive, entry to the Motor Heritage Centre at Gaydon, A rally Plaque and badge and food. All this for 2 people.
Geoff Ives. Cotswold Rally Organiser (and 924 owner).
Where are all the 924's?
Last year you won the Register award it doesn't look like you will repeat it this year.
Booking form on page 65 of the current Porsche Post.
For £30 you get a superb drive, entry to the Motor Heritage Centre at Gaydon, A rally Plaque and badge and food. All this for 2 people.
Geoff Ives. Cotswold Rally Organiser (and 924 owner).