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Curborough 13th May 2009


John lord is organising an afternoon at Curborough sprint track on May the 13th from 12pm to 6pm.
We have spaces for 20 cars at a cost of £30.00 per car.
For those of who have not attended before this is a chance to explore the performance of your car in a safe environment with out the pressure or cost of a full track day there will only be one car on the track at a time for further information or to book a space please contact me.

Paul Seagrave RO
You'll need to call John Lord and book the place with him direct.
He is handling the booking and payments for this event.

Hopefully see you there [:)]

I'm booked in [:)]. Thanks for running this guys...curborough is a great little place for learning the abilities of your car.
hopefully some one can furnish me with his number or point me to where I might find it.

I had a great time with 911uk @ Curb
This event is now fully booked.
However everyone is welcome to come along on the day to view the action.


I sent off the money a while ago it didn't come out of my account yet or have i had any confirmation.

Does this mean I didn't make it?
I'm not personally involved with the financial side of how it works, so not sure when the cheques are banked.
I suggest a call to John Lord would clear the matter up, he sadly doesn't frequent the www or email

My 964 is ill so I won't be tracking it tomorrow but I'm still coming along to watch and meet folks. So if anyone wants to take my place they're welcome - just see me tomorrow - I'll be in a blue boxster.
Thank you John Lord and R9 for the friendly welcome and for running a fun day out [:)]




Great day - already have another booked thru another club - its a good place to push hard without fear of death!

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