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Curborough 9th Aug


The simpliest way would be to call our RO John Lord 01905 620687
That way you will know that you have your place booked and confirmed. Sadly John does not have email access.

See you there [:)]

Anyone know what the format will be? e.g. proper timed laps or a more trackday style approach.
As it is a PCGB Track Day timing will not be allowed.
Perhaps you could 'unofficially' ask a mate to watch the second hand on his watch ?

See you there ?
The day is classed as a "fun day", so in your terms a track day type operation.
I'm sure that if timing is used then your into the realms of requiring race suits and race helmets etc....
hopefully more information will be fed through to us as time goes on, but I will make a note to get more details and post them up.

Presumably it isn't actually a Porsche Club Track day. If it was I'd be covered on my insurance, which would be a good thing!

Will helmets be available for hire is another question.
I have spoken to John, who is going to pass on the full details to me next week.

Good news for you though Mike;

This is a West Midland Regional fun day, nothing to do with Porsche club track days.
I am told that helmets will not be required on this day (a surprise to me, I queried this and told they are not required) however you may wear a helmet if you so wish.

There are still a few place left for the event and to book your place you will need to contact John Lord. (details in post 2)


This is a West Midland Regional fun day, nothing to do with Porsche club track days.

Hi Gary

Surely if this is a Porsche Club Event (Regional or not) and it takes place on a track it must be a Club Track Day. As such, we would then all be covered by our 'special policies' which include PCGB Track Days.

If it is not covered as such, perhaps we could/should arrange for it to be classified as such in order that we all benefit from the 'special clauses' in our policies.

I am to do Curborough soon (another event) and will be without insurance but don't want to do too many trips without.

Trevor, we can mention it to John next week.
It may be the case but I haven't been informed of it.

Its only one car at a time on the track so in your own hands of what happens... in the dry it would be hard (but not impossible) to make a hash of it.. the wet however may be a different story..[;)]

If you are attending, take some chairs and drinks with you, there are no facilities apart from porta loos at the venue.


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