As Bert has said, the alloy the block is made from has a very high Silicon content and Silicon is very very hard, almost as hard as Diamond which is just about as hard as it gets. The name Alusil is in reference to the Aluminium Silicon alloy used. The Silicon exists in the metal as minute beads close together with aluminium binding the beads together - a bit like aggregate in concrete. Once the cylinders are bored out an acid etch is used that dissolves the aluminium from between the Silicon particulates hence exposing them leaving an extremely hard wearing surface behind. It is only microns thick if that but it doesn't matter because it is so hard it wont wear.
This process was revolutionary because up until this process was developed engines with aluminum alloy blocks had liners which bring a whole host of complications. They are fine for one off engines where an expert engine builder can lavish time and attention on one engine, but not fine for a production line where you want semi skilled workers to simply bolt these things together. I'm not sure if Porsche deveolped it, I know Mercedes and BMW used similar processes if not the same.
The only downside to it is its robustness and resistance to debris. Because the hardened surface is just microns thick if debris gets it scores the cylinder wall creating a weakness.
So the engines don't have linings. They are a one piece block which has the advantage of simplicity of manufacture and lightness. Contrary to what we might think the 944 engine was very light for its day.