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Dashboard lights wire colours

John Sims

PCGB Admin
Following my abortive attempt to get my boost gauge working (see elsewhere) I now look forward to a more positive outcome. Once I have regained my composure, and remove the boost gauge again, I would like to have a more fullfilling experience and will connect up the gauge light.

To this end, does anyone know, with a reasonable level of certainty, the colour of the dash light wires in the region of the center console of an oval dash car. I can obviously intercept the ash tray light wire, but this isn't obvious without taking off the gear stick surround and cover and I was hoping to avoid this - particularly as I keep looking at the job with dusk approaching and less than fifteen minutes to carry out the conversion.

I look forward to your comments.
No idea on the colour but if you pull up the leather gaiter, pull out the cubby under the stereo (which you will be doing to get to the gauge?) and pull out the ashtray then you can probably get access to the wire without having to unscrew the plastic panel with the switches in. That lot will take 15.23 seconds to clip back in when done. Approximately [8D]

You don't have to touch the gear gaitor if (like me) you are nervous about putting it back correctly. Do as Fen suggests and pull out the cubby under the radio and the ashtray. The ashtray bulb is connected to two cables wound together, just give them a tug and you'll see them moving around under the cubby.

Just splice into them. At the same time you can stick in some low power red neon bulbs under there so that the rear wiper and sunroof switches are backlit. Then tell me if it looks okay becasue that's what I plan to do (when I've done my wing mirror defroster [:D] )
Have to say that, while sorting out a dodgy rear wiper switch and fitting a stereo I took the gaiter, cubby hole, ashtray, console etc. out and it's all very straight forward.

Just go for it [:D]

Absolutely. I've replaced the gaiter on both my current cars and Slim had his apart last weekend with no problems. Basically there is a plastic frame that the leather is stretched around (with the aid of elastic) and the frame clips into the hole in the console. It comes out with no sign of wanting to break and goes back in easily.
For the record....

It would appear that the lighting loom has the follwing colours, well at least it has down to the ash tray light:-

Brown Common earth/-VE
Lilac or light grey +VE
ditto with light blue stripe +VE

I haven't connected the light yet as I had already sorted out the guage problem.
Actually now I think of it I need to get in there in the cab and connect a wire from the lights to the stereo to make it dim when the lights are on.

Lazy as I am (especially since I hardly use the car just now) it'll be done at the same pace as Paul's mirror defroster.

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