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dead battery


New member
Hi guys

So I haven't Driven my 996 for for about 4 weeks, and decided to take it out for a spin today. Lifted the car cover, and alas, dead battery.

I've not long had the car so looking for advice on 2 things.

1) how should i get the car gong again?
a) jump start with leads
b) take battery out and charge
c) other?

2) how can I prevent this happening again considering I do not use the car much?

I hear good things about the CTEK chargers,but I don't understand them enough. Also, from what I do understand, they need a constant power source, which isnt' possible with where the car is parked? Is it as simple as taking the battery terminals off? or Take the battery out and leave it connected in the house to the CTEK?

Any help would be really appreciated!?
Not sure on the "official" best way to get your battery up and running again, but I have the car connected to a CTek charger all the time it's garaged, saves the situation you have.

My one uses the hard wired eyes connected to the battery terminals with the charger just plugged in as needed, just park in garage, pop bonnet and plug in switch on. Close bonnet and lock on remote. Charger will look after your battery.

Hi .. thanks for this.

Alas, I do not have power in my garage. Thats the issue I have I think in using a CTEK if I get one.

Probably best to remove battery to charge it rather than jump starting it.

Is it possible you could rig a solar charger to keep battery alive ?

I think the battery will only go for a couple of weeks if the car is locked.

Hi no power source then the only answer is really a solar power sorce remembering that if the car is covered then no sun no power!! Also should you buy get the one withe most output as they are always over rated on output

all the best


The big snag is that you can't lock the car with the battery disconnected..... As Terry says, a solar charger might be the best solution, but it would need a decent quality panel and best with a charge controller rather than the simple diode pack they usually fit. Often used on caravans and motorhomes. Alternatively, can you fit an outside socket near where the car is parked?

Gents - thanks for all the tips

So I am thinking I should get a CTEK any way, even just to charge the battery this time round.

Question, should I get the 3.8 as advertised in the shop here, or the 5.0?

I will also look at getting a Solar Panel (one that is waterproof and can be left outside (as the car is under a fitted cover).

Question, can the solar panel be used in conjunction with the CTEK, ie, using the Solar panel as the power source to the CTEK, or will this be too weak?

The 3.8 version will be fine. Shop around, as they vary in price from place to place. No, you can't use the solar panel to power the Ctek. The solar panel gives an output of around 18 volts, depending on the amount of sun. That's why you are best getting a panel and charge controller, which will work in a similar way to the Ctek. If I were you, I would get a panel of at least 25Watts, which will give about 2 amps output on a reasonably sunny day, but a lot less when dull (and none at night, of course). So it would take an age to charge a battery at this rate, but it should maintain it reasonably well.

Some of the chargers are only meant to be used to trickle charge or condition the battery and will not be any use on a fully discharged battery, so check before buying. The input for a CTEK is 240v so a solar will be far too weak. The solar should just go straight to the battery (edit - presuming it is specifically marketed for a car battery).

Once you have the car running again (I suggest you invest in car breakdown cover including home start) if you don't get a solar, simply take it for a a short drive at least every two weeks.


Ok , so I will probably just JUMP START the car this weekend with help from a neighbor, then install an outdoor solar panel in this type of config..

Solar Panel >> Regulator >> Car Battery (either direct, via cig plug)

Should work right?

knw911 said:

That should be fine if yours is a facelift model with a permanent supply to the lighter. Pre-facelift they are ignition switched. I bought something similar a couple of winters ago, when my 3.2 was in a barn without power over the winter. Just make sure the terminals on the panel are well sealed. Mine weren't, so I sealed them up with some silicone aquarium sealer. When you jump start, it is best to do it from the engine compartment. If I remember correctly, instructions are in the owners manual.

Mines facelift, but need to try the cig adapter to see if it draws power when turned off.

Yeah, seen the jump start is in the engine bay, so thats all good.

If you are thinking of buying a CTEK charger might be worth looking on Amazon as they do some lightning sales From time to time. I got a Ctek MXS 7 for £75, this can be useful if you have an AGM battery as it has a separate charging program for these type of battery.

You could always use it a bit more often , or failing that fire her up and keep some charge in the battery. Might be easier than messing about with a solar panel.

the car is kept at an address I only live at on weekends, so does't get used that much. But you are right, I could just turn it over a bit more often. hahhahaha


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