I've had a Dension 500 fitted to my C4S 2004. with PCM II., but it doesn't appear to work properly. Since connected we get a display that says "System error" "Phone, Amplifier not working". The dension will play, but its recognised as a CD changer. Just says the track numbers and CD's 1 to 6.. It also only plays if you connect it after the PCM has been running. It's like its not syncing properly.
I've had the car at an indie Porsche garage this afternoon, he couldn't sort it but charged me anyway.. []
When all said and done I'm pretty sure that its connected properly, it just doesn't appear to communicating with the cars PCM. I really don't know what to try next or do. Any ideas????
I've had the car at an indie Porsche garage this afternoon, he couldn't sort it but charged me anyway.. []
When all said and done I'm pretty sure that its connected properly, it just doesn't appear to communicating with the cars PCM. I really don't know what to try next or do. Any ideas????