Well it's finally fitted and working, but not without a few problems on the way. I wanted to have the Ipod in the car because I have the CDR23 which is unable to display text. I did however need to install the dension in the front near to the CDC. I purchased an extension for the ipod lead (4.5m) and was going to feed that through into the car. I had been advised that there is a spare rubber cap behind the battery that comes out just above the pedals, so that was where I was aiming for. First of all I needed to remove the battery. Some useful tips on this forum regarding removal of battery in the technical section which I followed. The only problem is that I couldn't get the bolt out that was securing the plate that holds the battery. Bolt was turning but not coming out!! With a lot of fiddling, and squashed fingers, I managed to get the rubber bung out and feed the wire through it and replaced the bung, the wire came out just above the clutch. I fed it behind the console to the passenger side and then under the centre consol and into the compartment between the seats. I had to make a small hole in the rubber mat and plastic tray to feed it through into the compartment. Wiring the Dension into the CDC and car took a few minutes, the next thing I needed to do was reconnect the battery. When that was all done it was a simple case of plug the ipod in and away I go!! Sadly not! No CDC recognised, No radio audio, No CDS audio. I had all the power to every unit and the radio did start up, just no audio. I reset the AUX on the dension and still no joy. Turned the ignition on a few times and still nothing. I checked all the leads and everything was correct. I even put it back to normal without the Dension and the CDC still wasn't recognised. I then reconnected and pulled the radio out to check the wiring, all was fine. What I did decide to do was disconnect the head unit totally and then reconnect. This seemed to reset everything, as soon as I did this everythig fired up, the ipod works and sounds great through the system. All in all a couple of hours well spent.