Interesting, I know that the cap being pressed on top instead of screwed from underneath can cause it to blow off - there are a few types on the market.
Without going off on one, I tried the orange cap style method one afternoon when I was bored and removed the HH resonator blocking off the outlet with a cap and locking mechanism I made whilst clamping the Y spur down on the blocked pipe. I noticed no difference in either sound or performance so just put the stock bits back ( I didn't really expect it to improve performance, but did expect to hear induction as per many threads out there, I heard nothing different).
There's lots of threads out there saying that the HH resonator is there to stop pulses and fluctuations in the air flow past the MAF meaning it can give a more accurate reading as well, there is also a technical doc floating around on the net to support this. There are however, those that still say that it is to simply deaden sound, but from removing and blocking of the HH resonator and using the stock pipe myself as a test I can say it makes no difference to the sound or induction noise.
Not sure why, perhaps the 3.4 already has plenty of airflow, or perhaps my exhaust for some strange reason is louder, but lets be honest, the only induction noise we will get is through the snorkel, if we had an open filter it would be another story, but I'm not into heat soak.
Anyway, let me know how you guys get on with your inductions - would be interesting to hear as I don't think many people with ROW cars have done this (most on forums are in the US).