I've just fitted a set of clear front indicator lenses to my car, this has made the driving lamps look very grey by comparrison. The obvious answer is to replace them aswell, however, I've spent a little too much on the car recently and new rear tyres are a higher priority!
Has anybody else looked at an alternative solution to this problem? I think its the backplate of the lamp that has discoloured with age and I'm thinking of trying a mild bleach solution to re-whiten the plastic. Any thoughts or alternative ideas (low cost)?
I've just fitted a set of clear front indicator lenses to my car, this has made the driving lamps look very grey by comparrison. The obvious answer is to replace them aswell, however, I've spent a little too much on the car recently and new rear tyres are a higher priority!
Has anybody else looked at an alternative solution to this problem? I think its the backplate of the lamp that has discoloured with age and I'm thinking of trying a mild bleach solution to re-whiten the plastic. Any thoughts or alternative ideas (low cost)?