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Disconnecting the battery?


New member
With the possibility of not being able to use my Boxster S for the next twelve weeks I thought it a good idea to disconnect the battery.
I pulled the earth lead off the battery post................. and was deafened by the alarm. I tried pressing the key fob and opening and crossing the door. Really I don't know if there was a sequence in which to do that. I reconnected the battery and fortunately the Alarm stopped.
Any ideas would be much appreciated
You need to switch on the ignition before you disconnect the battery. There is a backup battery in the siren which sets it off if the car battery is disconnected with the ignition off.
Thanks Richard for that advice................ Is there any special routine to follow when I eventually connect the battery again. ?
No. You shouldn't have any problems when you re-connect. Probably too late if you have done it already, but make sure you have the radio code (if it has one) before you disconnect. If you have the alarm system set for auto door locking, this will also be lost.
Hi Richard,
I should have asked here first.................... I thought that I had done the correct thing my phoning a Porsche Specialist, but this time the advice wasn't right.
I will have another go at disconnecting following your instruction. I presume that I do take the key out of the ignition after disconnecting?
You can take the key out once it is disconnected - no problem. Also, if you have electric lid releases, you might want to put something to stop some kind soul shutting the lid while the battery is disconnected. Otherwise you will have to rig up a 12v supply to the fuse panel to open the lid.

BTW, I hope you are leaving it in a locked garage!
Wow Richard, thanks for that extra advice about the lid, I would have slammed it down.................
Yes the garage is very securely locked, thanks for the thought.
Its generally not advised to disconnect the battery for prolonged periods as the ECU (and all other electronic gubbins) will forget all "learned" items (ignition timing etc)...better putting it on a battery conditioner.
A conditioner would be the best option, but as I don't have power in my garage that's not possible. I do have a Solar Panel on the garage roof that I plug the battery into, the engine started first time this morning after a month; but I don't know if it will go three months, I have never left it that long before.
So which option do I take, Disconnect the battery and risk losing the settings, or chance the Solar Panel to keep the battery topped up..
All advice gratefully received,
Disconnecting just resets all the control units to their default settings. You will already have done that on the first disconnect. You will not lose any of the fuel maps or anything critical. You will lose the ECU adaption values, which it changes as you drive, but again you will have already lost those. Some people regularly disconnect the battery to do this on purpose, because the ECU goes back to the default values, which can give you a slightly more aggressive fuelling map than when you have run the car for a while. You certainly won't do any harm to disconnect it for a long period.
Many thanks I am now disconnected.
Hopefully it won't be too many weeks before I am driving again.

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