Sounds like the sort of conditions that caused Rob to turn round would have defeated anything but a proper 4x4 on appropriate tyres so why should people not use a 944 in these conditions. Some people love driving their 944's and driving them in all weathers and conditions appeals - I love driving cars in extreme weather conditions and loved it even moreso in the 944. Why on earth would you not drive your 944 in these conditions? Because you MIGHT crash? well if that is the case then why take your 944 out at all in any conditions as the possibility of crashing, or picking up damage is there whenever you take your car out. Don't kid yourself that you are exposing yourself to a huge amount of extra risk in wintry conditions. More people have accidents and die on the roadsin perfectly fine driving conditions.
Personally there are two types of people here - those who love their 944's for their driving appeal and just enjoy the thrill of driving it, and those who love the ideal of owning a 944. I have no problems with either camp, but each should respect the other and stop peddling the sort of rubbish like "These cars disintegrate into a pile of rust at the slightest sniff of rain or moisture on the road". That just isn't true. Garage queens suffer rusty sills as much as regular mile munchers and a whole host of other potential lack of use related issues as well.
I've seen a quote from Ferry Porsche himself that went something along the lines of "These cars are meant for driving, not polishing".
Many ski holidays over the past 12 years, trips to Moscow in the grip of winter (and they have proper winters) and a brother who lives in Norway has made me realise one thing - that these countries don't have a magic formula when it comes to getting around in all manner of cars in these conditions - they don't have massive fleets of snow ploughs and gritters ready to spring into action at the slightest sniff of snow (salt is banned in alot of European countries anyway). They susually suffer the sort of chaos we do for a few days after the first snowfall of the year. However the one thing they do have that we don't is a second set of wheels with snow tyres. They don't even try to clear the roads of snow,they just drive on top of it. And Ice - well there is nothing to can do with ice, they avoid it as well.
Be careful out there no matter what car you drive!