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Drive out to visit region 8 2nd July


For the regions club night on the 2nd July were having a drive out to join our neighbours in region 8
The two regions work closely with each other at various events throughout the year and it's been mentioned about us having a nice drive over to join them as a joint club night.
This takes place on the 2nd July- leaving at 6pm

You are welcome to make your own way over, but for those interested and following the great feedback from members following the Xmas drive out, we have arranged a drive over as a group..
We will leave our regular meeting point of the Bear at Berkswell to meander over to the Coopers Arms in Western upon Trent.
Using a mixture of A and B roads to take the long way there...[:)] maps will be provided but we will be in convoy to save any map reading to be required.

The Cooper arms do a great Carvery and by leaving the Bear at 6pm we hope to arrive at the Coopers Arms in order for us all to have dinner prior to joining the East Midlands meeting.

If you could indicate to Paul or myself if you plan to join us as it would help in letting the Coopers arms know numbers in advance.

The proposed route for our drive over to the Coopers Arms in Weston upon trent is here ->
Distance is 40miles there and google says approx 1.5hour to get there..

To make you aware that there are some speed bumps as we pass through Ashby, however my car has no problems passing over them.
Departing at 6pm from the Bear at Berkswell.

How traffic has changed. When I changed jobs in the seventies I spent five months commuting from my home in Weston-on-Trent to Banner Lane near Berkswell using this route. In my company tank, a Volvo 244, it usually took me under an hour, but never an hour and a half!

Elsa and I hope to join you.
Brian, would be lovely to see your new Boxster..[8D]


PS- I think I can still do it in an hour [;)]
A reminder that this takes place tomorrow evening.
We'll still be leaving even if it's wet..[:)]


is it too late to say I'm interested ?
I'll turn up before 6pm & take it from there.

Best wishes & hoping for good weather !


2004 996 C2 40th Anniversary
I believe it will be fine, Paul should now have enough notice to let the hotel know approx numbers.
I'll print off extra maps anyhow [:)]


great route last night - thanks !
As someone else said last night, perhaps the lack of "competing" traffic was helped by the rain - not too much of a "dampener" on the driving[:)].

Great to see how Region 8 live ! The Coopers Arms appears to be a great venue, with very good food.

Thanks to yourself & Paul for organising.
BTW : Paul, great job as rearguard, you're indicating before the junctions made life much easier as the last but 1 in the pack !


2004 Silver C2 40th Anniversary
Glad you enjoyed the night, such a shame about the weather but as you indicated it may have assisted in keeping the road quiter with traffic [:)]
It's a great route to enjoy in the summer and dry days with some great views over the landscape.

Looked a superb site with the train of headlamps going down the road.[:)]

Hi thanks to you all for turning up in such foul July weather, had a very good evening anyway!

It did however rather curtail the planned photo shoot but as I had my camera, I had a wander around the carpark and took some pics.

Some are on my Photobucket account - here

If anybody wants a copy of my pic, just email me at




Thanks for taking and posting them Mike, such a shame the rain came down, especially as we arrived [:(] so we all ran indoors for cover..


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