I had a problem recently on my daily use S2. The (year old high power)battery seemed to be losing charge. The car got sluggish turning over first thing, and in cold weather really slow. Then one Monday morning the battery was flat.
Having called out a local mobile elec engineer he ran a test on the battery and alternator and confirmed they were fine. Fault was then traced to a glove compartment light switch that was not switching off when the glove compartment was closed. Not visible of course; so current waas draining continuoulsy and in the winter weather not recharging sufficiently.
Temp fix was to remove bulb and a new switch has to be fitted.
So if you have similar symptoms try this.
Having called out a local mobile elec engineer he ran a test on the battery and alternator and confirmed they were fine. Fault was then traced to a glove compartment light switch that was not switching off when the glove compartment was closed. Not visible of course; so current waas draining continuoulsy and in the winter weather not recharging sufficiently.
Temp fix was to remove bulb and a new switch has to be fitted.
So if you have similar symptoms try this.