Ah Ha! Thank you. I think you have just solved it. I found out as I drove of that the front compartment was open, luckily it comes up on the dash and warns you or I'd never have realised!
..and there I was worrying about all sorts! I'm still in that new car panic phase where every sound or feeling through the controls makes me think something is going to go wrong! I should have more faith. It's the newest, lowest mileage Porsche I've ever owned and I've done almost 1000 faultless miles now (in every weather). Still feels as smooth and silky as ever.
I'm starting to get the feel for its handling too, it feels a different car in the wet. You can really feel the 4wd and the tyres working (turning the PSM off was very revealing about how easily the power overcomes the traction!). In the dry the chassis and suspension are working hard way before you reach the limits of the tyres so it drives very differently. I wont go into details about my experiences so far but all I will say is [
I've felt at in harmony with many cars I've driven before, got to that point of agreement between man and machine where you feel you can chuck it around carelessly and yet know where its going to go and place it within an inch (of fond memories the Cerbera spring to mind) but this car is different. I'm nowhere near that familiar with it yet but for the first time the journalists words of a car 'shrinking around you' are really hitting home with meaning. The 996 is not a small car by any proportions but after a few hours on the twisties it feels like a well fitted glove, an extension to your own limbs rather than a car you're sitting in. I cannot wait to get better acquainted with this car.
p.s. I also checked the gauges more closely and its definitely standard, flickers between 0.6-0.7 when on the throttle.