After studying the reciept i am in agreement with the majority on here in that the work was done to fix a problem and the owner just couldnt afford the extra bits to make it into a rebuild/refresh as well(shame because it would have been cheap really).
one thing i disagree with is the fact that people are saying your not doing any damage continuing to run the engine with your poor leakdown figures,If the figures are accurate then the fact that they are not even is a cause for alarm as this is not usual,i have seen plenty of 100,000 plus cars with good even figures closer to 20% across the board. approaching 30 plus percent and the chances are that something is amiss even if it cant be felt,and if its left it can destroy the valve seats and valves if its the guide which is worn or if its the piston rings ,they can damage the bore and the piston if left to get very thin at the ends and they break up into multiple pieces.oil consumption is a factor, but that piston ring is not the one usually found to have the most significant wear,its allways the compression rings 1 and 2 (oil ring being no 3).
I would be considering getting one more leakdown check carried out and planning to act on it if the figures are repeated.Its an expensive job to do in its basic form and you dont want to compound the problem by running the engine on past the point at which it should receive attention.Also beware of deals struck to do it on the cheap as you may not be there to see any corners that might be cut because you will never be in a position to examine it! They may not give it their best attention because there is no money in the job for them.
best of luck C