Helen Goff
No.1 Poster
having owned old Porsches for years. this is something (along with tyre pressure) that gets checked at least weekly. so i was somewhat worried when on the drive back from collecting my 356a from Andy prills in Essex, the "check engine oil" warning message appeared on centre dial of my 997 []
so we stopped at the next available safe place and waited the 4 mins so it would tell me just how low it was [:-]
only to find that it was full. so why the message ? []
god i hate these modern gadgets. what was wrong with a good old, old fashioned dip stick. [&o]
so we stopped at the next available safe place and waited the 4 mins so it would tell me just how low it was [:-]
only to find that it was full. so why the message ? []
god i hate these modern gadgets. what was wrong with a good old, old fashioned dip stick. [&o]