New member
Morning everyone
Over the last few months I notice that my temp gauge isnt even reaching the first mark on my 33 mile commute to work, initially I put this down to the fact it has been bloody cold recently, however now its a lot milder the temp gauge still refuses to budge above the first mark. only when standing or in traffice does it move any higher and even then barely reaches halfway. I am going to guess that the temp sensor is knackered.
As a second point I wonder if this explains my poor mpg, if the sensor is effectively running cold would this cause the DME to enrich the mixture ?
As a test I brim filled my tank befoe setting off to work and then refilled it when I got home, a round trip of 66 miles, 95 % dual carriage way at a steady 65-70, no heavy accelleration, and gentle use of the 'go' pedal. Result, an astonishing 24.9 mpg !! Methinks something is not quite right somewhere [&o]