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Events - Give us an idea!!!


New member
Okay we sat round a pub table and thought of some events but i would much rather hear what people in the Lincolnshire region want.

Please post ideas.

track days at cadwell? meet the specialists days? scenic drives with a meal at the end? Proffesional photo shoots?
Trackday at Cadwell ? Seconded. Years ago I did a formula first day. Started out driving XR3is in the morning and onto the single seaters in the afternoon. My instructor(ess) looked wonderful in nomex, considered myself very lucky..... then she spent the rest of the day scaring the sh*t out of me .[:)] The only track day I`ve ever done, probably nearly 20 years ago, but it changed the way I drive forever. Amazing what you can learn in just one day. Could do that sort of thing again anytime. Regards, Mike.
Skid Pan Training event Prodrive Test Track event Technical talks (ie how car electrics work) Detailling demo
second detailing demo!! monthley meet somewere on a night and location thats good for everyone? problem i have found on other motoring clubs i'am a member, is you told were and when and not really given an option.

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