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Events update and Clubnight


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

Just a reminder that its Club night at the Old Ferryboat this Wednesday the 12th Aug 09. Following on from our last Father and Son club night Brain Winstone has kindly offered to do a short follow up on Sprint and Hill Climb events. This is mainly aimed at those who may be thinking or are interested in making a start. Brian will then follow this up with a 'one to one' for those wishing to find out a bit more.
Also in NAT (News At Ten) we look forward to sharing with you more events we have organised and others which are in the pipeline. If you have a raffle prize that would be very much appreciated to help build some funds towards events for us all to enjoy. We also hope to be able to share with you where some the raffle money will be spent.

Wednesday 9th September - Regional Concours Part 2 - Club Night
We will be holding Part 2 of our Concours event at the Ferryboat on September Club night. This Club night celebration event will be for the presentation of concours awards and will be having a subserdised BBQ. We will also be joined by our Chairman Martyn Molyneaux (that should ensure a dry evening - weather wise) Our concours Sponsor Gary Sorrell from the Porsche Centre will also be coming along with some colleagues from the PC Cambridge so everything points to this being a really cracking club Night. The menu for the BBQ will be:-
Two Meats plus Fish followed by Strawberries and Cream. Vegetarian available on request.
The R24 Club funds will subserdise your BBQ. If you wish to dine you will have to purchase a BBQ ticket in advance (Subserdised half price tickets are "" £5.00pp) I'm sure you understand that the Ferryboat need the numbers in advance in order the catering arrangements can be made. Tickets are on sale at August Club night. The BBQ will start at 1930 hrs.

So, see you at the Ferryboat this Wednesday evening. Arrive early to secure a prime spot in the dedicated Porsche parking area. It's also more good news for Ferryboat diners. A phone call has revealed the special offer on meal deals will be in force on club night.

John Dunn - RO
Region 24 and Committee.

P.S. For those wishing to attend the Flying Proms can you please bring your Cheque Books since I need payment to secure your advance tickets (£25.00 advance - £35.00 on the night)

P.P.S. If you cannot attend Club night and would like to attend an event please e mail me to confirm attendance and arrange payment where required.

Hi John

I'm a newbie to this forum and Porsche ownership. I actually belong in the R10 region, but the Old ferryboat is quite convenient for me. Would anyone have any objections to me attending? What time does it kick off?

Hi Stuart
Firstly welcome to the Club and a special welcome from Region 24.
We welcome all members from whatever Region - many already travel from other Regions to attend Club Nights. We look forward to meeting you at the Ferryboat - Just let me know in advance by e mail if you want to join in the BBQ so we can make the necessary arrangements for catering.


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