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Hi All,

I'll try again, the last post disappeared as I was typing.

I have just bought some second-hand mufflers for my car off ebay. They are from a 2002 996, which is the same as mine. However there appears to be a difference.

My current mufflers/silencers have a flexi part in the pipe that connects to the Cats. Whereas the ebay ones do not. Do I have a problem? And will my 'new' ones fit?
I don't think you'll have a problem. I've seen them with and without the flexi bit, and different types of flexi, and they are all interchangeable. Get the bypass mod done to the new ones before you fit them. Or was that your plan?
ORIGINAL: Richard Hamilton I don't think you'll have a problem. I've seen them with and without the flexi bit, and different types of flexi, and they are all interchangeable. Get the bypass mod done to the new ones before you fit them. Or was that your plan?
go for the 1.5" bypass, only downside is that you'll want the windows down all the time
I've heard about this, and I've seen some already modded on ebay. Now I would like the sportier sound, but how much louder are they? I know some people have said that after a while the extra noise can become a headache if you know what I mean.
Not in my experience. I was worried that it might be too loud, or 'boomy' at cruising speed, but not a bit of it. I had 1" pipes fitted, which is about the size of the original "Mk 1" PSE. There was very little difference in sound until you hit about 3000rpm, so it didn't upset the neighbours on early morning starts. Given my time again, I would go with 1.25" or maybe 1.5", as I needed to have the window cracked open to get best effect.
Same as Richard. I went for 1" and was worried about it being too loud. If I did it again I would happily go for 1.5" without worrying for a second. Roy
I have done both 1" and 1.5" bypasses now for different people and in all fairness there is'nt that much difference between them. I'm going to modify a pair with the corner mod next using the same size pipe as is on the silencers and then i can make a direct comparison between all 3 different methods. Up to now though i would use 1", simply as its easier and cheaper, and hardly any different.

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