A fantastic turn out on a none too wonderful day weather-wise! After we had climbed Porlock Hill the rest of the drive was in the clouds. Here's just a few photos of the day. Thanks, as always, to the Committee for all the superb organisation.
At the start, and again below
Some excellent parking at the lunch stop!
Nice to see everyone obeying the signs!
Some more excellent parking at the cream tea stop
And enjoying those cream teas.
Edit - BTW, those who think that the Devon way to eat a cream tea is jam first then cream should see here!!

At the start, and again below

Some excellent parking at the lunch stop!

Nice to see everyone obeying the signs!

Some more excellent parking at the cream tea stop

And enjoying those cream teas.

Edit - BTW, those who think that the Devon way to eat a cream tea is jam first then cream should see here!!