I have got a 1987 944 turbo and the the expansion tank needs replacing - it has overheated at some point in the past and the tank has got a domeded top !!
I have got a price for a new one from Lancasters in Colchester of £86 - 10% + VAT.
I have considered a seconhand one but although I am happy with S/H parts for many things I think a new item is called for here.
Can I get this cheaper anywhere else - I have talked to Bert at Berlynne and he does not stock them - says they are OPC items only.
Any ideas would be good.
1987 951 - unmodified ... at the moment!
I have got a price for a new one from Lancasters in Colchester of £86 - 10% + VAT.
I have considered a seconhand one but although I am happy with S/H parts for many things I think a new item is called for here.
Can I get this cheaper anywhere else - I have talked to Bert at Berlynne and he does not stock them - says they are OPC items only.
Any ideas would be good.
1987 951 - unmodified ... at the moment!