This is quite some time away, but i need to confirm spaces fairly soon,
We are planning a family day and BBQ at the Water Sports centre in Dumfermline.
It will be on Saturday 26th May,
For those travelling from the West there will be a meet up and drive, but what I need is numbers for those that acutally want to ski, (I can sort BBQ numbers closer to the time)
Its open pretty much to all ages and skill levels, so if you have never tried if before and fancy a shot now is your chance, all equipment is supplied by the centre. (we will be having a club BBQ etc on the day)
skiing starts prompt at midday and we have 12 minute slots.
the cost is only £10 per person for the skiing,
I will be emailing out to all the members soon and it will be in the next club magazine.
I have reserved 10 spaces which is £100 but can get more if we have demand but im told these are booked months in advance and I need to commit to numbers.
Post up here if you want a ski slot and I will sort out payment in due course.
1. Scott
2. Angela
We are planning a family day and BBQ at the Water Sports centre in Dumfermline.
It will be on Saturday 26th May,
For those travelling from the West there will be a meet up and drive, but what I need is numbers for those that acutally want to ski, (I can sort BBQ numbers closer to the time)
Its open pretty much to all ages and skill levels, so if you have never tried if before and fancy a shot now is your chance, all equipment is supplied by the centre. (we will be having a club BBQ etc on the day)
skiing starts prompt at midday and we have 12 minute slots.
the cost is only £10 per person for the skiing,
I will be emailing out to all the members soon and it will be in the next club magazine.
I have reserved 10 spaces which is £100 but can get more if we have demand but im told these are booked months in advance and I need to commit to numbers.
Post up here if you want a ski slot and I will sort out payment in due course.
1. Scott
2. Angela