Yup, a 355 is great car and appreciating in value. Moreover, I made money on my 360 Spider, else I would not have sold it, prefering the sound and looks to the 430 Spider. However, a 430 is cheaper to run and more modern and more economical (despite having a 100 bhp advantage). In short all Ferraris are making money at present as long as the condition, FFSH and miliage is good.
That is not to say that a Ferrari is better than a Porsche [
] They are totally different motor cars. One simply cannot/should not drive a Ferrari every day! Moreover, best to keep to the bus routes if you do... then you can get the bus home [
] Only joking! Bottom line, IMHO a Porsche is like the faithful Laura Ashley wife, dependable, attractive, good at most things & faithful. The Ferrari is the Italian Mistress, passionate, difficult to handle, beautiful to look and good at only one thing..