A while back there was a thread about speaker upgrades
Like Richard and Rod I went the DIY route and bought the bits before christmas. I've only just got round to putting them in this afternoon. Here's a few more photos of the process.
The main thing I was missing was a soldering iron with a cutting tip so I popped in to Machine Mart yesterday and picked one up
Marked the circle with a compass
I was having a peruse around the local car audio center and spotted some dynamat http://www.dynamat.com/products_car_audio_speaker_kit.html and being a fan of Chip Foose and Overhaulin' I had to buy some[] (they seem to coat the whole car in it)
The idea was I'd put it around the speaker hole in the car but I haven't got that far (I'm not sure now I've had things apart it needs it) but what I did do was cut some strips and put them around the edge of the hole to make sure the speaker was a good fit to the grill. (The foil is quite thin and behind it is a sticky non-setting mastic type stuff)
I also managed to get all four screws in by clipping the mounting tabs back and using the little holes closer to the speaker
I pulled the rubber connector covers off the unused Pioneer speaker wires and threaded them on the new VW ones then striped and soldered to the tags on the speakers then pulled the rubber covers over to make a good neat connection.
I've not yet had a chance to have a good listen just a test to make sure it all works but it definatly sounds better than the originals and I suspect it will need a few hours running in to reach it's final sound.
Like Richard and Rod I went the DIY route and bought the bits before christmas. I've only just got round to putting them in this afternoon. Here's a few more photos of the process.
The main thing I was missing was a soldering iron with a cutting tip so I popped in to Machine Mart yesterday and picked one up
Marked the circle with a compass
I was having a peruse around the local car audio center and spotted some dynamat http://www.dynamat.com/products_car_audio_speaker_kit.html and being a fan of Chip Foose and Overhaulin' I had to buy some[] (they seem to coat the whole car in it)
The idea was I'd put it around the speaker hole in the car but I haven't got that far (I'm not sure now I've had things apart it needs it) but what I did do was cut some strips and put them around the edge of the hole to make sure the speaker was a good fit to the grill. (The foil is quite thin and behind it is a sticky non-setting mastic type stuff)
I also managed to get all four screws in by clipping the mounting tabs back and using the little holes closer to the speaker
I pulled the rubber connector covers off the unused Pioneer speaker wires and threaded them on the new VW ones then striped and soldered to the tags on the speakers then pulled the rubber covers over to make a good neat connection.
I've not yet had a chance to have a good listen just a test to make sure it all works but it definatly sounds better than the originals and I suspect it will need a few hours running in to reach it's final sound.