Active member
Car ran perfectly well on Sunday, and again Monday. Tried to get in last night and absolutely dead. [&o]
I used the booster under the bonnet to open the boot today, and stuck the battery on charge. Could this be in any way related to the odd indicator problems I had a couple of weeks ago, which some jiggling of all the bulbs seemed to have cured? The fan switch could have gone, I'd not have heard it running all night Monday, but it hasn't kicked in with the charger on.
I used the booster under the bonnet to open the boot today, and stuck the battery on charge. Could this be in any way related to the odd indicator problems I had a couple of weeks ago, which some jiggling of all the bulbs seemed to have cured? The fan switch could have gone, I'd not have heard it running all night Monday, but it hasn't kicked in with the charger on.