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Folletts PP debut


Active member
Just read Paul's first Register section in Decembers Porsche Post. Good work Paul, I look forward to many more to come.[:)]
Paul -- thank you, at the very least it proves that someone has read it [:D] [:D]

Just finished the next one for Jan 2009, think you'll like that as well as I have a few bits including a Q & A piece with a famous 968 owner and race driver!

paul f
Looking forward to reading these....
Stu has done a grand job over the years, but like he said in the PP, articles can become hard to come by after a while...+ things become somewhat staid....
A new perspective is always welcome....
Dave -- if I let things go staid -- please immediately prod me with a sharp stick!!

paul f

ps or to prevent it -- come up with an article of your own to add it to the mix -- 750 words and a picture should do v nicely.
Sharp stick at the ready, [;)][;)],although i cant see me needing it for a while, as i bet you have a few ideas ........

Regarding articles. Ill see what i can think of....Although i suspect most of it will have been covered already....
Well my copy of PP for May has just dropped on the mat.

Thought I would ask an open question:

" Have you any thoughts about my 968 register articles ? " (constructive or destructive!!)


ps the biggest problem I am having doing them is keeping to the word count of only 1000 per issue

Possibly contentious, but you could do an article about why somebody should chose a 968 over a 944 S2, given their seemingly widening gap pricewise on the second hand market.

Less contentious, how about a definitive guide to brake options for the 968/944 models, including the work involved with fitting MO30 brakes to a car not originally equipped. Something you've done yourself if I recall correctly.


Not too sure about the "market" bit is relevant....IE cars currently on the market...
Thats all i can come up with at present....


Possibly contentious, but you could do an article about why somebody should chose a 968 over a 944 S2, given their seemingly widening gap pricewise on the second hand market.

Less contentious, how about a definitive guide to brake options for the 968/944 models, including the work involved with fitting MO30 brakes to a car not originally equipped. Something you've done yourself if I recall correctly.



James, There's a "brand new" option for non M030 cars to have huge spangly calipers and discs coming soon from EMC.
And also an option for fookin-massive calipers for cars shod with 18's!
So then has Kevin convinced you to get those Rays yet?

I noticed them on Saturday on one of the 968 turbo race car projects with a nice set of R888's which ISTR may have been donated by Paul.

Keep up the good work Paul I have found the interviews with Calum to be one of the highlights of PP in the past few months.

James, There's a "brand new" option for non M030 cars to have huge spangly calipers and discs coming soon from EMC.
And also an option for fookin-massive calipers for cars shod with 18's!

He told my brother all about this before I got there on Saturday, the tentative details passed on to me sound very very interesting especially given that the overall price sounded very good. Given how much better the M030 fronts are then standard setup it all sounds like one of those must have upgrades.

Something else I have wondered about is if the ABS pump or the computer itself is the limiting factor in how quickly the ABS can work. If the computer then a massive improvement could be made with OK some serious reverse engineering. I did some brake tests a couple of years back now and managed to consistently record much shorter stopping distances in a car with more weight, less tyre and cheapo brakes but crucially much more modern ABS and EBD (121 ft versus a best of 127 ft in my S2 from 60-0), at the time a few others on titanic list got similar results in the 944.

Actually this raises another question is the ABS computer in the 968 a newer generation then the S2/turbo one? and does anyone have any comparison data against the older cars?
James, There's a "brand new" option for non M030 cars to have huge spangly calipers and discs coming soon from EMC.
And also an option for fookin-massive calipers for cars shod with 18's!

I was at EMC on Friday and saw the brake kit with the uber light RAYS wheels, also heard very good things about your car too Lali [;)]

Hoping to be there on Thursday to get some work done on my 968.

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