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PCGB Member
Well not quite but it's the next best thing[:D]

Only one space - move quickly to ensure you don't miss the trip of a lifetime!

Copied from Members section - original by Denise McGirl.


Hi fellow PCGB members.

Our successful and interesting PEYT (Porsche early years tour), this coming September now holds a space open due to unforseen circumstance cancellation of a member.
The event visits the current modern operations in Zuffenhausen (Stuttgart-Porsche AG) and incorporates visiting the original works and museums in Austria, Porsche design, Porsche champagne house, race circuits,Porsche family historical and current along with RUF an plenty of wonderful scenery and hotel quality to a high standard.(Grossglockner glacier and spectacular mountain roads great driving pleasure!)
The main feature for 2009 is the fact we will be participating in visitiing the newly opened Porsche museum and at the same time celebrating the 100th anniversary of Dr Ferry Porsche, the exact day of 19-09-1909 replicated!
We believe, although not yet announced some form of Stuttgart Porsche celebration will be operated.

The cost is £1500 per couple inclusive, great VFM for the 10 day tour, includes return ferry, hotels, meals and most entry fees.
This is arranged for members by members (team McGirl-Walker) hence the low cost price directed and compiled for membership benefits!
Current Porsche Post features the previous tour-please refer to same for background updates and tour composition).

Please contact John -Denise McGirl on email or forward your full payment of £1500 cheque payable to PCGB to our home address 53 Wentworth Drive, Bedford, Mk41` 8QB-marked PCGB PEYT2009
NB Refundable in the event of cancellation and place resold.

Departure date 12th september-return date 21st September

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