Johnny C
New member
There's a bearing rub noise coming from the front end. Fairly sure its bearings, it could be the brakes binding but it doesn't sound like that and the warning light's not on. I dropped it into neutral and turned the engine off at 70 on the motorway and it was still there (the noise, not the motorway) so I'm fairly confidant it's noting in the engine.
I need new front pads and brakes in the near future, is it best having it all done at once in terms of labour cost? I am about to pay for a holiday so could do with leaving the brakes another month but want the bearing sorted asap.
I need new front pads and brakes in the near future, is it best having it all done at once in terms of labour cost? I am about to pay for a holiday so could do with leaving the brakes another month but want the bearing sorted asap.