I got mine from Motordrive http://www.motordrive.com/acatalog/Exterior.html. Pics are for Gen 1 and Gen 2 Cayman but they also do most other models - see http://www.motordrive.com/acatalog/Porsche_Parts.html and click through the model links for external parts. My car is black so I got the black ones. I just bought the outer grilles only - didn't see much point in protecting a piece of blanking plastic in the centre. They fix very simply - each grille has two locators which slot behind the existing plastic frame on the inner and lower edges, and there is one retaining self-tapper which screws into the top outer corner of the plastic frame. You have to look really hard to see the screw when fitted, as it slots through the grille and locates on a small bracket fixed to and behind the grille itself. And if you take them off, you similarly have to look very hard to find the screw hole. I've had mine over 2 years, probably done 25k miles with them, had no problems. Very happy with the black polymer finish which shrugs off anything thrown at it off the road, so far without any sign of damage or deterioration. Clean up well during normal car washing and no sharp edges or ends to catch cloths or fingers. No maker's badge or logo (though I think they are same as Zunsport without the Zunsport badge). Sometimes you come across a nicely designed product which is manufactured to a high standard - this is one of those. I have no connection with Motordrive!