I have just completed my annual pilgrimage to Austria and en route enjoyed a couple of fast blasts in Germany. My 993 C2 is perfectly smooth at UK speeds. However, circa 140mph a course vibration was felt through the steering wheel, In Austria I had the front wheels' balance checked. Minor adjustment of 15gm made but the technician doubted this was the source of the vibration. The Dealership owner, who runs a 993 Turbo in competition, road tested it and was unable to replicate the vibration because of wet conditions. He did identify a possible warped disc tug on the steering wheel when brakes are applied lightly. Subsequent use revealed this to be intermittent and not obvious when braking firmly. The discs are newish genuine Porsche parts, 1,000 miles maximum and no track action. Front tyres 3000 miles max. Sadly road conditions on the return journey prevented repeat high speeds to double check. Altogether a small mystery to me as to the source of the vibration. I just wonder if it is caused by worn shocks and/or suspension bushes, none of which I suspect have been renewed in the 70,000 mile and 14 year life of the car. In every other respect the car was magnificent. Knowing the huge knowledge out there in the PCGB community I hope some previous experience of this condition may point the way forward. Thanks in anticipation.