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Front lift with the Aerokit Cup option


New member
Hi everyone,

I've noticed that when driving my 997 C4S at speeds over 110/115mph, the front of the car feels incredibly light, and at times, slightly unsure under braking. I know the rear spoiler provides significant down force and a side effect will be for the front to feel slightly light, but I never thought it would be to this extent. Any comments?

hi at 165mph i found the car amazingly stable, and under subsequent braking. But i imagine it wouldn't take much of a crosswind to give the effect you describe.
I find this the most stable version 911 to date.

Anything between160 - 190mph on UK roads and it's the quality of the road surface that becomes the issue, not the chassis and whether or not it can handle it.

At these speeds, bumps and road surface imprefections cause the car to twitch about and create front end lift.

Cross winds, just seem to push the car according to the horizontal axis, ie left, right, forwards, backwards, and not vertically up or down.

Anything between160 - 190mph on UK roads and it's the quality of the road surface that becomes the issue, not the chassis and whether or not it can handle it.

You are having a laugh - aren't you? You should have put a smiley in there......[8|]
I'm afraid i don't know. I don't have any aerokit, and in fact mine's a cab, but despite that, it's the most stable road car that i've driven at speed. Maybe ask your local OPC.

There are a few US owners n another forum saying there have had severe lift when traversing changes in road angle at reasonable speed combined with a headwind
I had the same concerns about frontend lightness at speed (135 mph)compared to my 944 Turbo and Boxster but read numerous posts and it seems it just a perception aided by all the weight being to the rear and is perfectly normal and safe. I'm still on the learning curve.
ok, thanks. it's just that light, wavering feeling, under braking doesn;t feel to stable, in the manner the car normally is. will check with local OPC.

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