My 98/R C2 Tiptronic with around 100,000 miles on the clock has up untill recently been averaging 22/25 mpg on the PCM unit on a combination or slow town, quick town and distance driving (27-30 on the motorway at restrained speeds!).
No end of problems with it after the OPC did some relatively minor work on ir with resulted in several breakdowns and work being done under warranty.
Cutting a long story short I have had new oxygen sensors replaced and a new Tiptronic gearbox (so, soooooo pleased I had the OPC warranty) and now the economy is at around 16/17mpg.
Also seems to be idling a little lumpy but drives and pulls well and smoothly.
Any thoughts?
What are other people getting and does anyone know the 'official figures'?
Thanks in advance.
No end of problems with it after the OPC did some relatively minor work on ir with resulted in several breakdowns and work being done under warranty.
Cutting a long story short I have had new oxygen sensors replaced and a new Tiptronic gearbox (so, soooooo pleased I had the OPC warranty) and now the economy is at around 16/17mpg.
Also seems to be idling a little lumpy but drives and pulls well and smoothly.
Any thoughts?
What are other people getting and does anyone know the 'official figures'?
Thanks in advance.