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Gambia In A 924


PCGB Member
Received the following e-mail and just had to share it with you all "" you may also be able help with the cause.

Hi Paul,
We spoke last year about an article I wrote for Classic Cars for Sale "" which came out well incidentally. I'm still writing, but my next project is a bit hairier. I'm driving to the Gambia in something called the Plymouth-Dakar rally "" basically a piss-take of the posh one run in very cheap cars. Now, we've got this crazy idea we'd like to do it in a left hand drive 924 [which they have just bought] (has to be lhd because it's sold for charity at the end in the Gambia, which bans rhd cars). It's a good cause, and there'll be plenty of publicity for the car as I'll be writing about it wherever I can. It's a crazy idea I know, but if it works it will be perfect. Regards, Nick

Nick Gibbs - Freelance Journalist - 020 8678 5108 or 07703 229 557

Nick is after all the sponsorship he can get so let him know if you can help [:)]
More updates as I hear them
Update from Nick

Right now I'm dreaming of a Cayenne. For a 4000-mile road trip taking in a large chunk of western Sahara desert, Porsche's 4x4 would be a perfect companion. But it's just a dream. At least, the Cayenne is. I'm doing the trip, it's just I'm doing it a £300 1981 Porsche 924.

The trip is the Plymouth-Dakar rally, a send-up of the multi-million pound Paris-Dakar rally run in cars costing £100. There are no rules really (hence the £300) and it ends in Gambia, not Dakar. And its not really a race. For the 200 cars taking part this year, winning is simply finishing. But imaginary kudos points are awarded for the sheer impracticality of the motor, which explains our 924. There are a handful of 4x4s taking part, but the cars are mostly ones you wouldn't want to drive to London in, let along sub-Saharan Africa. Perhaps inevitably, myself and teammate Simon Laidlaw have christened our team Push 924.

Plymouth-Dakar a charity event, with cars given away at the end for an auction to raise money for good causes in Gambia, where secondhand cars sell for at least double UK prices. The charity element persuaded a friendly dealer in Cardiff to knock the left-hand-drive 924 2.0 (Lux?) down from £995, so it's not a complete banger. The interior is a mess and the odometer stopped at 85,000km an indeterminate time in the past, but the engine seems fine and apparently the cambelt was changed recently.

But if anyone has any advice for a desert-driven 924, we'd love to hear it. And if you're able to give it a service, we'd advertise your business with decals that would be seen in pics for the articles I'll be writing about the experience (I'm a motoring journalist). Let's just hope that experience lasts beyond the Spanish border"¦

Nick Gibbs - Freelance Journalist - 020 8678 5108 or 07703 229 557
For those that have not seen it already take a look at this update from our intrepid Team Push 924 Plymouth-Dakar travellers! [:)]

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