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New member
[:)]OK we heard what you said and although we have been busy moving house etc - we have been to the Moat and have arranged with Jim (the manager) and Marc (asst. manager) to return there from the JULY Club Night.
The entrance and exit to the car park is now one way. We will have an area where the old restaurant used to be and have been assured that we can have this sectioned off - on entering the Moat by the main entrance - turn right and right again past the bar and you will find our area. There is a Fire Exit (just for health & safety info!) which opens directly onto the REAR CAR PARK. Suggest you all park in the rear car park - so you can get out and look at your cars and take your beer with you - but please return glasses at the end of the evening.
I have already done the July newsletter for Porsche Post and have put a piece in regarding the move so new members will know where we are!
By the way - the food has improved too.
If anyone wants to get in touch our new phone number is 01797 344121.
Pearl & Dean (Phil) [:)][:)][:)]
Great news, thanks guys.
Hope the house move went smoothly
I'll see you in July as the next meeting is the night before we leave for Le Mans.
Everone realises you actually wanted to stay at the Golf Club and now you have had your bluff called!Why dont you do club night at the Moat and go "golfing" every other wed. in the month??

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