At the base of the secondary dizzy is a copper coloured plate which has to be removed, I used a filing disc on my dremmel to remove the 3 notches which had been stamped into the housing to hold the plate in place, it took a bit of fiddling about with a couple of thin screwdrivers to remove it but it's not held in too tightly, it was impossible not to scar the housing slightly whilst doing this but it's not a problem.
Housing plate removed
Clean out the old grease and use a pair of circlip pliers to remove the circlip, This is held in extremely tightly.
Once its out you can remove the secondary shaft........Be extremely careful in removing both shafts, there are washers top and bottom of both and some are directional so make sure that you note the order and direction of the washers!!!!!!!!
When both shafts are out you can split the housing, 5 Allen bolts, again this is not a time to be using worn tools you dont want to strip the heads.
Old belt was probably origional, "Knight Knicken" written on it was a bit of a giveaway, if your belts been replaced it will probably say "Gates". My old belt...19 years and over 100,000 miles old
The bearings on the housings should be re-greased before the shafts are refitted.
Once the new belts in place you can bolt the housing back together, remove the drive gear from the primary shaft again it's directional so make sure that you don't get it upside down. Put the washers in place in the correct order, sit the drivegear in place and put a large screwdriver down through the lot and into the shaft, then put the belt in place, once you've done this use the screwdriver to align the washers with the drive shaft housing then gently insert the primary shaft making sure that you've aligned the notch on the shaft with the point on the gear which it seats into, don't forget to put the electrical plug back through the housing before fully pushing the shaft back in place.